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    Narcan is not dangerous, expensive or hard to obtain.  It's available over the counter now.  It's extremely easy to use.  No needles, mess, or training required.


    Accidental overdose, intentional overdose, accidental exposure; it's all the same at the end of the day.  It is a human life.  


    The difference between a person waking up and living to see another day or that person becoming a statistic could come down to timing; seconds.  Emergency services do not have guaranteed response times.  If you personally carry narcan... your response can be immediate.  If someone is choking, and you know how to help and can physically help, you help.  If someone becomes unresponsive due to a suspected opoid overdose (which are becoming more and more common, everywhere), wouldn't it be nice to have a magical elixir on your person or in your bag, or car, that could reverse it, in a lot of cases instantly?  Spraying 4mg of naloxone in someone's nose won't always immediately pull a person back to life... trained personnel should still be brought in, CPR should be administered, medical attention given immediately to insure that the victim doesn't fall back out... but narcan (naloxone) is what chemicaly reverses the opiod's effects on the receptors in the brain that are causing the overdose in the first place.  In other words: it cancels out the drug's effects immediately.  


    It works.  I'm living proof.  I've also saved lives with it myself.


    The term "miracle drug" is over-used in our society, but watching your friend stop breathing, lips purple, brain starving for oxygen while you're giving CPR is a horrible experience.  Seconds feel like hours until the naloxone works.  When they come back, cough, and start breathing again, the line between effective pharmacology and miracle becomes extremely faint.  I've been on both sides.


    More than once.  


    I don't wish the experience on anyone but the feeling of being on the positive end is hard to explain.  


    I am not sponsored by the people that sell it, I don't have a political agenda, nor do I work for anyone.  I'm a recovering IV opoid user that made it out alive.  


    I'm not here to preach recovery nor promote drug use.  Some people recover, some people will use.


    Opioid overdoses will happen regardless.   


    The outcome of these overdoses can be changed by carrying a small little nasal spray. I sell shirts to spread awareness. 


    Some of the images may be considered "offensive".  What's offensive is the amount of lives lost to preventable overdose. 


    Sometimes you have to get people's attention.


    I am alive because of narcan.  

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